¡Batalla de Titanes Tecnológicos! Desentrañando la Carrera de Actualizaciones: Google Pixel 8 Pro vs. iPhone, con una Revelación Sorprendente de Fairphone - Cyber Cache Tv

Battle of the Technological Titans! Unraveling the Update Race: Google Pixel 8 Pro vs. iPhone, with a Surprising Revelation from Fairphone - Cyber ​​Cache Tv

Google Pixel 8 Pro: the phone that equals the iPhone in one fundamental aspect (and there is another that surpasses both)

Google's new models, the Pixel 8 Pro, are about to change a feature that has always made the difference between iPhones and Android phones. This difference lies in the support provided after the sale, especially when it comes to the number of operating system updates a model receives throughout its life. This is relevant because each update brings with it new features, performance improvements, UI revamp, security patches, and more. Until now, Apple had been a leader in this aspect, but Google's Pixel 8 Pro are about to change the landscape.

Apple does not provide an exact number of updates it will offer to its iPhones, as this depends on various factors such as the magnitude of the changes between versions and the demands of the hardware. However, it usually offers new versions of iOS to the latest six or seven iPhone models.

For example, the iPhone

The reason behind this is that Apple controls both the development of the hardware as well as the operating system and the app store. This makes the cost of maintaining an operating system compatible with older models relatively low, and expanding the base of devices supported by your app store is beneficial in the long term.

Historically, Android phone makers had a different perspective. Updating the operating system after the sale represented a high cost and often did not generate significant benefits for the manufacturer. Additionally, extending the life of devices could delay the purchase of a new phone. Over time, this changed, partly thanks to Google's efforts to simplify updates and also because manufacturers realized that updates could build user loyalty.

Samsung was one of the first to offer four years of operating system updates and five years of security patches for its high-end models. Other manufacturers, such as Motorola and Xiaomi, offer three to four years of operating system updates and security patches.

However, Google has taken an even bigger step by introducing the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, which will offer seven years of operating system updates and security patches. This is a significant incentive for potential buyers as it provides substantial support regardless of the quality of the device. In addition, Google will also offer seven years of parts for repair.

It should be noted that Google is not the company that offers the highest level of support. Fairphone, a company that focuses on sustainability, promises five years of operating system updates and eight years! of security patches for its most recent model, the Fairphone 5. This phone is designed to be easily repairable, with parts that users can replace with ease.

Of course, it remains to be seen how efficient these devices will be in five or six years, as new versions of the operating system typically require greater processing power. However, the good news is that updates are not mandatory, so users can choose to keep an older version if they do not consider the latest one to be necessary. Additionally, today's hardware has advanced faster than software requirements, so devices should be able to handle basic applications without issue for an extended period.

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