¡Rompiendo Moldes! Elon Musk Sacude Twitter: Nuevo Logo, Nueva Era con la 'X' como Símbolo de Innovación - Cyber Cache Tv

Breaking Molds! Elon Musk Shakes Up Twitter: New Logo, New Era with the 'X' as a Symbol of Innovation - Cyber ​​Cache Tv

Revolutionary change in the social network! Elon Musk has made a bold move by completely transforming what we knew as Twitter, now renamed "X."

The new logo, a simple but striking "X", is now official in the desktop version and the platform can be accessed through the x.com domain, although the twitter.com address will remain active for the moment.

The intriguing process of choosing the new logo involved users, where Musk announced that the logo would be changed once someone shared a good enough proposal. The winner was Sawyer Merritt, whose design was selected and set by Musk.

Although the businessman has made it clear that this is an interim image and could change in the future, some users have questioned whether the "X" is original or if it belongs to a pre-existing font. However, this marks a significant step in the platform's evolution since Musk acquired Twitter for a staggering $44 billion last year.

With this modification, Musk announced that Twitter will gradually say goodbye to the previous branding, including the iconic little blue bird. The objective behind all this is to transform the platform into a super app, and in that sense, Linda Yaccarino, the CEO of the social network, expressed her vision and ambitions for this new version of the platform.

"It's exceptionally rare to have a second chance to make another great impression. Twitter already did it by changing the way we communicate, but now X will go further, transforming the global town square," said an excited Yaccarino.

In their vision, interaction will focus on a variety of aspects, including audio, video, messaging and payments/banking, demonstrating the platform's usefulness for ideas, goods and services. Yaccarino highlighted that the platform will be powered by Artificial Intelligence, which is the result of previous changes on Twitter that were intended to reach this stage.

"There are no limits to this transformation. X will be the platform that can offer, well... everything!" Yaccarino exclaimed in a series of tweets.

Now, what will the "tweets" be called?

Despite the excitement over this momentous change, the question arises as to what posts on

Twitter's transformation to X has left users excited and eager to discover what this new stage has in store for them. The superapp promises to provide a revolutionary experience in the world of social media and, with Musk at the helm, there are sure to be many surprises to come. Stay tuned for the evolution of X!

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